The management committee of the LIFE project “MedWetRivers” hold the first meeting

Last 9th of April has been constituted the Management Committee of the LIFE project “MedWetRivers” at the Environmental Resources Center of Castilla y León, located at the PRAE complex in the city of Valladolid.
In this Committee are represented the five beneficiaries of the project (Ministry of Agriculture, food and environmental affairs – DG Environmental Quality and Natural Environment; the Regional Government of Castilla y León – Ministry of Public Works and Environment-;the Duero River Basin Authority; the Public Enterprise for Environment in Castilla y León; and the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation).
Other members of the Committee are the Water General Directorate at the Ministry of Agriculture, food and environmental affairs; the Tajo River Basin Authority ;and the Miño-Sil River Basin Authority